Title: Precast concrete pavements: Technology overview and technical considerations
Date: Winter, 2013
Volume: 58
Issue: 1
Page number: 112-128
Author(s): Shiraz Tayabji, Dan Ye, and Neeraj Buch
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The use of precast concrete pavement is an emerging technology in the United States for application to rapid repair and rehabilitation of existing pavements. The technology is being applied in high-volume, congested roadways where lane closures and work windows are constrained. Several U.S. highway agencies have begun to implement this technology in demonstration projects. The implemented precast concrete pavement systems include proprietary and non-proprietary systems and components. A study on modular pavement technology was aimed at developing the necessary information and guidelines to encourage the successful adoption of this new technology. The performance of projects indicates that sufficient advances have been made to reliably achieve the four key attributes of precast concrete pavement: constructability, concrete durability, effective load transfer at
joints, and effective panel support condition. This paper presents a summary of the work performed under the study and reports on potential refinements to the precast concrete pavement technologies.
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