Since its founding in 1954, the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) has developed, maintained, and disseminated industry standards for the precast/prestressed concrete structures industry. Many of these standards, which are used by PCI, its members, and the design community, have been in place for over 50 years.
PCI has a full-time, licensed, professional engineering staff that provides administrative oversight and support to help manage and keep records of the standards activities. For more information about the procedures for developing, approving, and maintaining PCI standards, please refer to Procedures for the Development, Approval, and Maintenance of Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Standards.
In March 2014, PCI was accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as an accredited ANSI Standards Developer. With this accreditation, PCI's voluntary consensus standards relative to the design, detailing, fabrication, transportation, and erection of precast and prestressed concrete are formally recognized.
With this accreditation, PCI is also able to broaden and strengthen already existing PCI standards and subject them to a thorough review and evaluation by the PCI Standards Committee as they go through the process of becoming ANSI Standards. Once approved, these standards will be recognized by ANSI as guiding national standards for the precast/prestressed concrete structures industry. View the ANSI essential requirements.
How You Can Participate
PCI continues to broaden the membership base of its American National Standards consensus body and seeks new members in all membership categories to participate in the creation of new standards in quality control, fire resistance design, tolerances, glass-fiber-reinforced concrete (GFRC), and other important topics. In particular, we wish to expand membership from the producer, user, and general interest communities.
Individuals seeking membership on the Standards Committee shall submit a written request to PCI indicating their interest in the work of the Standards Committee and their qualifications, willingness to participate, and affiliations that might affect their classification. Applicants shall identify their interest category. Membership on the PCI Standards Committee is open to all directly and indirectly affected parties subject to the selection procedure set forth in PCI's operating procedures. Please submit all written requests of interest to
Proposed PCI Standards for Public Comment
Proposed PCI Standard for Public Comment: Specification for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Panels (PCI-128-XX)
You are invited to review the proposed standard PCI-128-XX Specification for GFRC Panels (link below) and provide comment. Per PCI’s Procedures for the Development, Approval, and Maintenance of Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Standards, PCI-128 is now available for a 45-day public comment period.
Comments must be submitted using the comment form below to be considered and contact information from the individual submitting comments must be provided. E-mail your public review comments to
The public comment period begins August 9, 2024 and ends September 22, 2024.