Title: Simplified methodologies for preliminary blast-resistant design of precast concrete wall panels
Date Published: July - August 2019
Volume: 64
Issue: 4
Page Numbers: 55 - 70
Authors: Omar M. Alawad, Matthew J. Gombeda, Clay J. Naito, and Spencer E. Quiel

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This paper presents two simplified blast-resistant design methodologies for rapid generation of pressure-impulse (P-I) curves for solid precast concrete wall panels with conventional reinforcement: a normalization approach and a curve-fitting methodology. Both methods are primarily intended for preliminary design calculations that would be conducted during the bidding phase. The normalization approach involves shifting a control P-I curve to determine the respective curve for any panel configuration based on its constitutive properties. This method generally results in low error and, due to its streamlined computational efficiency, was used to develop a spreadsheet-based design tool. The curve-fitting approach, which uses an analytical formula to calculate the dynamic region of the P-I curve, is suited for simplified hand calculations or design handbooks. Both approaches exhibit superior computational efficiency relative to traditional single degree of freedom analyses and are well suited for rapid assessments of panel performance during the preliminary design phase.