Title: Manufacture of full-scale geopolymer cement concrete components: A case study to highlight opportunities and challenges
Date Published: November-December 2015
 Volume: 60
Issue: 6
Page Number: 39-50
Authors: Brett Tempest, Clarke Snell, Thomas Gentry, Maria Trejo, and Keith Isherwood

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Geopolymer cement is an alternative binder that is capable of forming concrete with competent mechanical performance and attractive environmental benefits. Carbon dioxide emissions from geopolymer cement concrete are low compared with portland cement concrete, and the binder incorporates high volumes of the recycled material fly ash. The typical strength of the resulting materials ranges from 4000 to 10,000 psi (28 to 69 MPa) depending on mixture proportions, aggregates, and curing. Additional beneficial features to precast concrete production include rapid strength gain and low requirements for plant infrastructure beyond typical concreting equipment. This paper presents a case study of the manufacture of full-scale geopolymer cement concrete components. Mechanical characteristics of geopolymer cement concrete produced at the plant, quality of form finishes, and strategies for curing are described. Challenges to full-scale production, as identified by plant personnel and the research team, are also presented.


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