Title: Significant changes from ASCE 7-05 to ASCE 7-10, part 1: Seismic design provisions
Date: Winter, 2014
Volume: 59
Issue: 1
Page number: 60-82
Author(s): S. K. Ghosh
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Major changes have taken place in the wind design, the seismic design, and the other provisions of ASCE 7-10 (referenced by the 2012 IBC) from ASCE 7-05. The changes in the seismic design provisions are presented and discussed in this paper. Chapter 14 changes are excluded from the scope of this article because chapter 14, “Material Specific Seismic Design and Detailing Requirements,” is not adopted by the IBC. Changes from chapters 13, “Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components,” and 15, “Seismic Design Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures,” are also excluded, to avoid excessive length.
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