Title: Cracks and Crack Control in Concrete Structures
Date: July-August, 1988
Volume: 33
Issue: 4
Page number: 124-145
Author(s): Fritz Leonhardt

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The material presented in this paper is based on more than 30 years of research,  observations and experience concerning causes, control, and consequences  of cracking in concrete structures. This extensive  background was helpful in the preparation of this paper which deals with questions of concrete cracking. 


1. Riisch, H., "Die Ableitung der charakteristischen Werte der Beton-zugfestigkeit," Beton, Heft, February 1975.

2. Widmann, R., "Massenbetonprobleme beim Ban der Gewolbemauer Ko1nbrein," Lectures of Betontag, 1977, Deutscher Beton-Verein.

3. Kehlheck, F., "Einfluss der Sonnenstrahlung  bei Bruckenbauwerken," Werner Verlag, Dusseldorf, 1975.

4. Priestley, M. J. N., "Design of Concrete  Bridges for Temperature Gradients,"ACI Journal, Proceedings, V. 75, May 1978, pp. 209-217.

5. Thurston, S. J., Priestley, M. J. N., and Cooke, N., "Influence of Cracking for Thermal Response of Reinforced Concrete Bridges," Concrete International, V. 6, No. 8, August 1984, pp. 36-48.

6. Dilger, W., and Ghali, A., "Temperature Stresses in Composite Box Girder Bridges," Journal of Structural Engineering,  ASCE, V. 109, ST6, June 1983, p. 1460.

7. Imbsen, et al., "Thermal Effects in   ConcreteBridge Superstructures," U.S. Transportation Research Board, Report  276, September 1985.

8. Leonhardt, F., "Ri/3schaden an Betonbrucken, Ursachen and Abhilfe," Beton-und  Stahlbetonbau, Heft, February 1979. 

9. Schiessl, P., "Admissible Crack Width in Reinforced Concrete Structures," Preliminary Report, V. 2 of IABSE-FIPCEB- RILEM-IASS, Colloquium, Liege,June     1975.

10. Beeby, A. W., "Design Considerations, In Debate: Crack Width Cover and Corrosion,"  Concrete International, V. 7,No. 5, May 1985, pp. 24-25.

11. Leonhardt, F., Vorlesungen    fiber Massivbau, 4, Teil, Springer Verlag, 1977.

12. Falkner, H., "Zur Frage der Ribbildung durch Eigen-und Zwangs-spannungen infolge Temperatur in Stahlbetonbauteilen," Deutscher Ausschu,6 fur  Stahlbeton, Heft, 208.

13. Schlaich, J., and Dieterle, H., "Versuche mit Ferrozement," 15, Forschungskolloquium des DAfStB in Stuttgart, April 1984.