The Concordia Lutheran School recently completed an addition – the third major addition to its Omaha, NE campus. After opening, it was christened “The Nancy Griffith Worship and Performing Arts Center.” Growth is student population necessitated the addition of a FEMA storm shelter, and
the new performing arts center will meet that requirement.
Precast concrete was chosen because it easily meets FEMA guidelines for storm shelters. Forty-nine 14” thick insulated wall panels and twelve wide stem double tees were used to meet the FEMA design criteria. Two fifty-five-foot-long, eight-foot-wide spandrel beams were used above the stage in the performing arts center. Each beam weighed 69,000 pounds. Fifty pieces of hollowcore were also used in the project. A decorative formliner was used along with a buff-colored, acid etch finish. The formliner was carried into the interior building finished. |