Proj Overview

Setting Record Deliveries.

For this project, Tindall helped set a record project completion schedule of just over 11 months from the start of construction to the first production – the fastest ever achieved at that time.?Three of Tindall’s production facilitiessupplied nearly 1,500 pieces of precast to support erecting the structure in under two months.?Additionallywithin this timeframe, Tindall’s engineering team was able to conceptualize and design a member to span over the 90,000-square-foot clean room, which consisted of two 128-foot bays, by working closely with the form fabricator to support this extremely fast-track schedule.

Tindall provided the engineering expertise needed to allow parallel development of the structure and the overall process by working as part of the design team, taking part in weekly project review meetings, and facilitating close coordination of disciplines. This guaranteed a quick delivery, which is a significant competitive advantage in the global semiconductor market. Exceeding expectations at every turn with the first plant structure, Tindall was awarded the contract for a second structure very early in the process when the decision was made to expand the facility.

Tindall provided a clear 128-foot roof span supporting sensitive equipment over the clean room with minimal deflection. Operating floors that spanned in excess of 100 feet and carried uniform loads of up to 200 psf were accommodated with the same five-foot deep horizontal member.?For the vibration sensitive process floors, Tindall provided a shallower system consisting of double tees supported by pocketed beams, with the stems grouted into the pockets, and the entire area covered with a composite reinforced topping.?


Project Team




DPR and Austin Commercial


White Oak Semiconductor


Tindall Corporation