Proj Overview

Located at the intersection at 69th Street and Louise Avenue in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Avera Health embarked on the largest building project in Sioux Falls history: a new 82-acre specialty care campus. In total, the campus encompasses 260,000 square feet of health care space that includes a 160,000 square foot, five-story orthopedic hospital that connects to a 100,000 square foot, three-story medical office building.

Precast concrete was used as the primary façade cladding for several reasons:

Time Efficiency:

Using precast cladding allowed the contractor to overcome labor challenges in the market because they were able to enclose the building in less time than other systems which, in turn, allowed the interior finishes to also begin sooner.


There were various aesthetic treatments used on this project including a simple etched finish and an etched finish with a custom formliner pattern. A mix of split faced, honed and tapestry, polished and diamond 100 stone was utilized to give different textures and contrasting color dynamics to the building’s exterior.


Precast is resilient. It resists mold, mildew, storm damage and water infiltration. In a hospital setting, these are especially important considerations.


Project Team




Ericksen Roed & Associates

Contractor and PCI Certified Erector:

Journey Group


Avera McKennan

Precaster and Precast Specialty Engineer:

Gage Brothers

Key Project Attributes

A mix of split faced, honed and tapestry, polished and diamond 100 stone was utilized to give different textures and contrasting color dynamics to the building’s exterior.

Project/Precast Scope

• Architectural precast wall panels // 312 pieces or 38,100 SF
• Insulated precast wall panels // 41 pieces or 9,302 SF
• Smooth form structural gray wall panels // 82 pieces or 20,295 SF
• Hollowcore floor // 44 pieces or 3,390 SF

Structural precast was utilized in an attached parking ramp.
• Double tees // 34 pieces or 20,025 SF
• Columns // 12 pieces or 240 LF
• Load Bearing Spandrels // 15 pieces or 4,665 SF