Proj Overview

Project Overview

Situated on the banks of the Eagle River with breathtaking views of Beaver Creek Mountain, The Westin Riverfront was named to Condo Nast Traveler’s “Hot List 2009” as one of the 140 hottest new resorts worldwide. It is home to the Westin and Starwood Brands.

Precast Solution

This project was successfully converted from a Cast-in-place structure to a Precast Structure late in the design phase.  Rocky Mountain Prestress developed a thin structure solution to compete with cast-in-place post-tension structures in Hospitality applications.  20” Precast columns incorporated 12” deep integral capitals to accept 10” precast beam slabs.  10” deep Rib Slab units framed into the beam slabs.  Unlike typical precast framing, the beam slabs and rib slabs utilized cazaly hangers so the entire framing assembly with topping flushed out at 14” deep.  Precast concrete framing allowed the project to be erected in the middle of winter keeping the project on schedule.


Project Team


OZ Architecture


SA Miro


GE Johnson Construction

Owner and Precast Specialty Engineer


Key Project Attributes

  • Precast Thin Rib Framing System
  • Converted from a cast-in-place structure
  • Winter Erection
  • 12" Column Capital
  • 10" Beam Slabs
  • 10" Rib Slabs
  • 10" Balcony Slabs
  • Penetration Flexibility

Project/Precast Scope

  • 431,000 SF of Precast Framing
  • 3,685 Pieces
  • 115 Erection Days with (3) Cranes
  • Erected in the middle of Rocky Mountain Winter
  • Converted from Cast-in-place to Precast
  • Utilized New Thin Rib System developed by RMP
  • 16" Total Structural thickness at column capitals
  • 14" Total Structural thickness everywhere else
  • Precast Cores, Stairs& Landing