Use PCI's Contact Form to contact PCI staff.

Tom Bagsarian
Manager, Editorial Content
(312) 428-4945

Laura Bedolla
Program Manager, Technical Services
(312) 360-3218

Lauren Bell
Coordinator, Education & Publications
(312) 583-6775

Trina Brown
Program Manager, Transportation
(312) 873-3590

K. Michelle Burgess
Managing Editor, PCI Journal

Nikole Clow
Manager, Marketing
(312) 360-3202

Royce Covington
Manager, Member Services
(312) 428-4946

Timothy Cullen, PE
Director, Technical Activities
(312) 360-3206

Cher Doherty
Director, Events
(312) 583-6781

Walt Furie
Senior Specialist, Production
(312) 583-6772

Edith Gallandorm, PE, FPCI, FACI, LPCI
Director, Codes and Standards
(312) 360-3219

Tracy Holloway
Administrative Assistant
(312) 786-0300

Leah James
Coordinator, Marketing
(312) 786-0300

Cody Kauhl, CAPM, CiA
Manager, Web Development and Video Production
(312) 583-6778

Thomas Ketron
Director, Sustainability
(312) 786-0300

Becky King
Vice President, Marketing and Education
(312) 360-3201

Tom Klemens, PE
Director, Publications
(312) 583-6773

Bartlomiej Krol, L3
Managing Director, Quality Programs
(312) 583-6770

Ken Kwilinski, BFA, CQA, L1
Manager, Quality Systems
(312) 428-4944

Carolina Lopez
Coordinator, Certification Programs
(312) 583-6774

Stephanie Maggio
Manager, Events
(312) 786-0300

Natalie Martin
Director, Membership and Business Development
(312) 360-3203

Philip McConnell
Manager, Membership
(312) 583-6783

John McConvill, CAE
Director, Finance
(312) 360-3208

Bekki Missaggia
Manager, Education
(312) 786-0300

Noel Morales
Coordinator, Certification
(312) 360-3212

William Nickas, PE
Managing Director, Transportation Systems
(312) 583-6776

Robert Risser, PE
President & CEO
(312) 360-3204

Lisa Scacco
Manager, Publications
(312) 583-6782

Neal Sherman
Senior Staff Accountant
(312) 583-6779

Michael Smith, CAPM, CDMP, MCP, CC
Director, IT
(312) 786-0300

Beth Taylor, CPA, CAE, MBA
Chief Financial & Administrative Officer
(312) 583-6780

Amy Trygestad
Vice President, Technical Services
(312) 360-3213

Cindi Ward
Program Manager, Events & IT
(312) 360-3214

Randy Wilson
Director, Architectural Precast Systems
(312) 428-4940