Georgia/Carolinas PCI (G/C PCI) is a not-for-profit trade association [501(c)6] committed to the growth and profitability of the precast industry.


Georgia/Carolinas PCI strives to be the promotional voice of the precast and prestressed concrete industry in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and surrounding market service area, dedicated to:

  • Serving its members
  • Growing the market, and
  • Advancing the design, manufacture and use of precast and prestressed concrete products


Georgia/Carolinas PCI’s mission is to EXPAND THE MARKET for precast and prestressed concrete solutions by creating opportunities for our members to promote and sell their products by:

  • Informing – by creating awareness in the A/E/C industry
  • Educating – by providing design professionals and student educational programs
  • Promoting – the value of PCI Certification and benefits of precast and prestressed concrete solutions

G/C PCI is an independent regional Chapter of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) serving all PCI Certified, producer members in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Our primary mission is to enhance the precast industry’s technical, marketing, and educational promotional efforts to grow market share, by advancing the design, manufacture and use of precast and prestressed concrete products.

G/C PCI provides technical resources and continuing education to the A/E/C industry and higher educational institutions. Our programs are targeted to grow and expand the market for precast and prestressed concrete solutions, thus creating greater opportunity for our members – both producer and supplier, to promote and sell their products.

As a Chapter of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute , all G/C PCI producer member plants are required to be PCI Certified and be PCI Members. PCI Certification (plants, people, erection) is founded on PCI's 'Body of Knowledge' and ensures that each plant has a developed and documented quality system established on time-tested national industry standards.