G/C PCI provides technical resources and continuing education to the A/E/C industry and higher educational institutions. Our programs are targeted to grow and expand the market for precast and prestressed concrete solutions, thus creating greater opportunity for our members – both producer and associate, to promote and sell their products. 


Georgia/Carolinas PCI is an independent Chapter of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI). While administration and governance of G/C PCI is separate,  as an affiliated regional association of PCI, our goals and objectives are related and aligned with the goals and objectives of PCI. And based on our Chapter agreement, there is a mutually reciprocal membership for producer firms in our geographic region (GA, NC and SC).

Our Chapter agreement requires that all its members that meet the definition of Producer Member under PCI Bylaws must also be Producer Members in good standing of PCI in order to qualify for membership in the Chapter, and each PCI Producer Member plant in the Chapter’s geographic region is required to be a Chapter member. 
For Producer membership inquiries, please contact Georgia/Carolinas PCI at info@gcpci.org or call (678) 402-7727.


Georgia/Carolinas PCI offers membership opportunity for firms beyond those who produce precast and prestressed concrete products. We recognize the important contribution that suppliers, professional service providers, erectors and others provide to our exciting industry - and offer Associate Membership as a valuable way to participate and contribute toward our mission.
Associate Membership as defined in the Georgia/Carolinas PCI bylaws includes:
  • SUPPLIER ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any firm engaged in supplying goods or services that are used by the industry in the development or production of precast and prestressed concrete products.
  • PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any firm engaged in providing consulting or other professional services that are used by the industry in the development or production of precast and prestressed concrete products.
  • ERECTOR ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any individual or firm engaged in supplying goods or services that are used in the construction of structures incorporating Industry Products. 
Associate Members provide valuable resources toward our marketing and promotion efforts. They are provided access to our producer members and programs and are welcome to attend all G/C PCI events. Associate Member benefits include networking and presentation opportunities, exhibit space at appropriate meetings and seminars, and listing on our online directory. G/C PCI Producer Members prefer and are reminded often to purchase from our valued promotion partner Associate Members.

Associate Membership is offered at two levels:

Premier Associate Member ($1,500/yr.) 
        Premier Associate members are afforded additional benefits, including exclusive access or free table-top exhibits at specific G/C PCI meetings and events. 
Associate Member ($750/yr.) 

Dues are billed on a calendar year basis.

For Associate membership inquiries, please contact Georgia/Carolinas PCI at info@gcpci.org or call (678) 402-7727.