2025 PCI Productivity Tour

The 2025 PCI Productivity Tour and Quality Enhancements Summit takes place May 6-8 in Austin, Texas. The Tour provides a great opportunity for plant managers, QC technicians and plant supervisors to improve their knowledge, share best practices with industry peers and tour precast plants in the local region.

The conference is open to all Producer and Associate members in good standing.

Registration Fees
Full Registration*

Quality Enhancements Summit

Welcome Reception
    2 Full days of plant tours

Meals on Wednesday & Thursday

Dinner & Entertainment at Grubb's BBQ (Wed)
Quality Enhancements Summit Only

Welcome Reception

*Associate members may register below but will remain on a wait list until a sponsorship or tabletop is secured.


AGREEMENTS, POLICIES, AND CONSENT. Registration constitutes your agreement to abide by the PCI Antitrust Policy, PCI Code of Conduct, and PCI Conflict of Interest Policy. Any breach of these agreements may be cause for event management to remove the individual from the event. Registration and attendance at, or participation in, PCI events, meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the use and distribution of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs or videos of such events and activities by PCI, PCI regional affiliates, and other third parties. Your registration may include technology that monitors your activities throughout the meeting, such as session attendance. It is your responsibility to read and understand these agreements and policies.

CANCELLATIONS, REFUNDS, AND SUBSTITUTIONS. All registration cancellations received in writing by April 8, 2025 will be fully refunded, minus a $50 administrative fee. Due to financial obligations, no refunds will be provided after this date.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AND ROOM RATE. A hotel discounted room rate of $225/night + tax at the Hyatt Regency Austin has been negotiated. Book your group rate for PCI Room Block.

TABLETOP EXHIBITS AND SPONSORSHIPS. To secure a tabletop exhibit or sponsorship opportunity, contact PCI Sponsorship Sales.

QUESTIONS. For event questions, contact architectural director Randy Wilson. For registration questions or assistance in registering, contact PCI Events or (312) 360-3214.

Don't see an employee on your company roster? Contact your PCI Company Administrator to add them to the company roster. If you don't know your company admin, search for them on the PCI Resources page. Note: An overnight refresh of the system is required before newly added employees will appear on the company roster. You will be able to register them the next day.

5/6/2025 - 5/8/2025
Hyatt Regency Austin, 208 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX 78704 United States
Registration not available.

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