Proj Overview

Analog Devices, a multi-billion dollar manufacturer of semiconductors, consolidated several locations across the state of Massachusetts into one expanded campus. This effort is an attempt to retain and attract a skilled workforce and encourage innovation at their new headquarters. Some 450 employees were relocated from their Chelmsford and Norwood facilities to the newly expanded Wilmington campus in 2021.

As part of the consolidation, a new 215,000 SF precast concrete parking structure was constructed. It features 3 elevated levels, 3 bays wide to accommodate approximately 675 cars. 

Analog Devices is Wilmington’s largest employer. The new construction and renovations to existing buildings were necessary to consolidate their locations as well as to allow them to host meetings and large gatherings for customers.

The expanded campus includes a 174,610 SF office/R&D building, a 52,000 SF “Hub” building, and a 675-space parking garage. The Hub building includes a variety of uses such as a cafeteria, a fitness center, reception/gallery, an auditorium, conference rooms and product demo lab, all of which are geared toward enhancing the work environment of employees as well as the visitor experience on campus.

The parking garage matches the style of the world headquarters office building while it also incorporates several sustainability features such as electric vehicle charging stations and a Photo Voltaic Array (PVA) at the roof level.  The free standing total precast structure features a ribbed horizontal form liner finish and a dark charcoal color at the exterior.  The garage includes a punch through stair at one end with a feature stair and elevator tower at the opposite end of the structure. The feature stair has tree columns which support the roof and stair risers.  All of these elements are dark charcoal in color to match the exterior of the garage. 

Dailey Precast worked extensively with Lee Kennedy to ensure a continuous flow of precast deliveries while minimizing any disruption to the surrounding community.  Precast erecting was completed during the Summer of 2019. The 413 pieces that comprise the precast concrete system were erected in just 22 working days.

The parking garage façade complements the façade of building 7 with its color palates and horizontal striations. The glass stair and elevator tower also reflect the curtain wall present throughout the corporate campus.  The color is reminiscent of the grey and black slate walls and skirts around the exterior of the office buildings.


Project Team

PCI- Certified Producer:

Dailey Precast, Shaftsbury VT

PCI-Certified Erector:

Prime Steel Erecting, Inc., North Billerica MA


Analog Devices, Inc., Woburn, MA


Baker Design Group, Inc., Boston, MA


Desman, Boston, MA


Lee Kennedy Co., Inc., Quincy, MA

Photo Credit:

Key Project Attributes

Levels/Floors: 3 levels above grade
Size: 215,000 SF
Spaces: 675 cars

Project/Precast Scope

Precast Elements: 413 Total
Column-29, Double Tee-219, Slab-5, Inverted Tee Beam-12, Light Wall-40, Spandrel-70, Stair (Provided by Brayman Precast)-9, Shear Wall-16, Wall Panel-13