Proj Overview
Precast Concrete Bridge Replacement taps ABC methods for quick turnaround

Rhode Island ranks last in the nation in overall bridge condition with roughly 22% of the 1,162 bridges rated structurally deficient. The state’s aging infrastructure has created a demand for replacing bridges with minimal disruption to the general public.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) used Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) methods to expedite the replacement of Pine Street Bridge No. 548. This included the use of precast concrete components and pre-manufactured bridge units. The ABC approach rapidly created a new bridge deck and saved considerable time as compared to conventional methods.

The bridge serves as a vital connection as one in a series of bridges in Pawtucket to move from one side of the I-95 corridor to the other. The old structure was classified as structurally deficient and was in such an advanced state of deterioration that it had to be supported by wooden timbers.

Lynch Construction performed complete replacement of the Pine Street Bridge using the ABC method for both the substructure and superstructure as well as the removal of the existing bridge. One of the challenges of this project was the contractual requirement to limit the bridge closure to 120 consecutive calendar days. With an incentive/ disincentive of $10k per day from that deadline, Lynch realized the maximum incentive by limiting the closure to just 90 days, finishing the project 30 days ahead of schedule.

A critical part of meeting the compressed schedule was the manufacture of the prefabricated bridge units for the superstructure and modular precast units for the entire substructure. United Concrete Products cast the precast components and delivered them from their Yalesville, CT facility to the job site in Pawtucket.

United Concrete Products manufactured the precast concrete prefabricated elements in the spring and summer of 2018 and were required to pre-assemble and fit-up the pieces at the plant to ensure a proper match prior to shipping to the job site. All connections had to be dry-fit in the fabrication yard prior to delivery and installation of precast elements at the bridge site.  United delivered the precast components just in time to be installed by the crane and 100 pieces were set in 9 days.

After the placement of the prefabricated bridge pieces by Lynch Construction, a double layer membrane waterproofing material was installed and Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) was used for the closure pours.

Working closely with the community, RIDOT elected to close the bridge entirely to speed its replacement. They also used a few overnight highway closures to expedite bridge demolition and placement of new bridge components. In December 2018, RIDOT and Pawtucket community celebrated the early completion of the $9.3 million Pine Street Bridge replacement project months ahead of schedule.


Project Team


United Concrete Products, Yalesville, CT


Rhode Island DOT, RI


CHA Associates (formerly CME), East Hartford, CT


Lynch Construction, Cumberland, RI

Key Project Attributes

Precast Elements:  Precast pier caps, precast wall footings, precast parapets, precast abutment footing, precast backwall, precast approach slabs, precast deck slabs

Project/Precast Scope

Levels/Floors:   2 spans

(14) PBU’s – 7’ wide x 76’ long

(86) precast substructure elements consisting of Abutment walls, Footings, Piers & Pier Caps