Accelerated Bridge Construction Using Precast Concrete
This webinar will discuss precast resources that can used for accelerated bridge construction projects. The overview will assist designers in determining the appropriate solutions for precast substructures and superstructures in design and construction. Several case studies will showcase the versatility and aesthetic enhancements of precast used in ABC applications.
Thursday, October 22, 2020, 12PM Central
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Learning Objectives:
• Learn about available design resources and how to use them for an ABC project.
• Define how to design an efficient prestressed bridge element.
• Discuss different bridge elements and aesthetic enhancements when selecting members.
• Understand precast substructure element size, finish and how it effects production, shipping and handling.
Length: 1 Hour
AIA 1.0 LU and up to 1.0 PDH
Presenter: Ms. Rita Seraderian, PE, FPCI, Executive Director, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute Northeast

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Online registration not available.